
Kumpulan antologi karya Molzania

Why You Should Skip Work and Go on a Day Trip

Why You Should Skip Work and Go on a Day Trip

Alice did not at all like the tone of this remark, and thought it would be as well to introduce some other subject of conversation. While she was trying to fix on one, the cook took the cauldron of soup off the fire, and at once set to work throwing everything within...

#BookClub: What I’m Reading This Month

#BookClub: What I’m Reading This Month

Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy; whereupon the puppy jumped into the air off all its feet at once, with a yelp of delight, and rushed at the stick, and made believe to worry it; then Alice dodged behind a...

Promosi Buku : Antologi Cerita Anak DearLove#1

Promosi Buku : Antologi Cerita Anak DearLove#1

Credit to : Hasfa Publisher Telah Terbit Buku Karya Molzania!!!!!!!!! Dearlove For Kids # 1. Buku yang terdiri dari sembilan series ditujukan untuk anak-anak agar mengasah kemampuan bacanya. Disini Molzania hadir dalam karyanya yg berjudul "Bakat Terpendam Kira"- :)...

#Promosi Buku = Antologi ‘CURAHAN HATI UNTUK TUHAN’

#Promosi Buku = Antologi ‘CURAHAN HATI UNTUK TUHAN’

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, Antologi kedua gue nih :  Telah terbit di LeutikaPrio!!! Judul : CURAHAN HATI UNTUK TUHAN Penulis : Eric Keroncong, dkk Tebal : x + 560 hlmn Harga : Rp. 96.700,- ISBN : 978-602-225-049-4 Sinopsis: Mungkin sebagian orang takut untuk...


Yippie...waktu iseng ngebuka Facebook kemarin, tiba-tiba ada salah satu notification yang membuat gue menjerit senang. Yupz, gue ditandai sebagai salah satu penulis yang naskahnya akan dibukukan dalam ajang lomba antologi yang diselenggarakan oleh mbak Leyla...

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